
We need to adapt to the effects of global warming. Taking preventive action now will help to lessen future impacts. This is especially important in cities where the infrastructure was not primarily designed for, and therefore is not equipped for, prolonged periods of hot weather.

  • HeatView gives an instant hazard score to neighbourhoods and individual properties
  • Improving readiness for heat and developing resilience to the impacts of climate change
  • A cost-effective and crucial path to safeguard the future of our cities

Climate Risk

  • Satellite derived heat stress data offers new insights about concentrations of climatic heat wave events
  • Sector representatives identify this data as crucial for future climate modeling exercises
  • Heat hazard data informs strategic asset management

Heat Stress

  • Heat stress data offers the opportunity to understand regional temperature fluctuations within historical timeframes
  • Infrared satellite data infers Land Surface Temperature (LST) to deliver heat hazard mapping
  • A 1-5 susceptibility scale, ranging from Very Low to Very High, provides an immediate and comprehensive overview

Housing Associations

Improve your understanding of liability within your property portfolio to inform strategic net-zero decision-making


Location based understanding of the risks associated with heat stress – an advised part of the legal conveyancing transaction process

Local Authorities

Target and mitigate heat hazard risk to tackle localised areas and individuals living in vulnerable conditions

Livv Housing Group proactively sourced climatic modelling data for early intervention through mitigation for long-term cost savings.

The implementation of HeatView’s holistic mapping supported the identification of urban heat islands to initiate green infrastructure.

Read more about Housing Climate Risk.

We have partnered with Healthy Homes Hub to complement their mission to improve the housing landscape.

Our location-based heat data will enhance living environments for new and existing homes through preventative measures.

Read more about our partnership with Healthy Homes Hub.