In News |
June 25, 2024
New partnership with Healthy Homes Hub
Map Impact, the pioneering environmental data services provider, are delighted to announce a partnership with Healthy Homes Hub to support innovative technology delivery into the social housing sector. Alongside their current offerings this includes expansion to provide insightful heat stress data to help counter the increasing risk to human health from the Urban Heat Island effect.
Climate change risk is increasingly being considered as part of property asset management strategies. There is a need to understand not only the property itself, but also the surrounding neighbourhood, which Bristol-based Map Impact can deliver through the innovative use of satellite derived data analysis.
Announcing the Partnership Richard Flemmings, CEO of Map Impact commented: “Climate change is causing a range of new risk factors to be considered within the UK property sector, which have previously not been felt. Our novel data products allow customers to gain affordable, wide-area understanding of the risks associated with rising temperatures. We’re delighted to be partnering with Healthy Homes Hub to take these products to Housing Associations to support strategy development and mitigation”.
Jenny Danson, Founder of Healthy Homes Hub, said: “We are dedicated to improving the condition of housing, supporting net-zero strategy and making every home healthy. We share Map Impact’s deeply engrained ethos of collaboration, which is why we’re excited to be partnering with them to bring their neighbourhood and place-based perspectives to our community of stakeholders”
Much of the aging housing stock in the UK is not suitable for extreme heat, posing a significant health risk. The increasing frequency and intensity of heatwaves is challenging stakeholders to take action and initiate mitigation measures.
One of these stakeholders is Tony Cahill, Executive Director of Property at Livv Housing Group. He has taken a proactive approach to this growing problem by actively seeking to identify problem areas across his property portfolio in the Knowsley and Liverpool City Region. Mr Cahill developed a strategy encompassing climate hazard analysis which was greatly enhanced with additional insights from Map Impact.
“Climate change is here and we need to act now. The insights relating to heat risk delivered by Map Impact provide a critical component of a climate modelled future ensuring the right strategic asset management decisions will be made to support Livv Housing Group’s mission to provide net zero homes that work for all.” – Tony Cahill, Executive Director of Property, Livv Housing Group.