Biodiversity in Great Britain has significantly decreased in recent decades, putting nearly one in six species at risk of extinction. Working tirelessly to address this problem are a range of organisations whose sole purpose is to prevent further decline in biodiversity and support nature’s recovery. As a national map detailing habitats and their condition consistently, everywhere, BiodiversityView supports them. It provides objective evidence for nature restoration and baseline Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) planning requirements alongside monitoring of change over time.
- Instantly screen sites through an annually updated complete dataset covering England, Scotland, and Wales
- Optimise pre-application BNG requirements to quickly assess sites at scale with consistency
- Unique habitat condition scoring from satellite-derived indices aligning with the DEFRA Biodiversity Metric
BiodiversityView’s on-demand dataset enables a screening assessment of large land areas, allowing for quantifiable analysis of ecological characteristics in specific locations.
Habitats Types
- Over 60 (UKHab) habitat types mapped in detail
- Habitat area, distinctiveness, and Habitat Units calculated for each location or an aggregation
- Irreplaceable or highly distinctive habitats shown to call out protected areas
Condition Scoring
- Poor, moderate, or good habitat condition scoring for each location
- A holistic perspective allows areas of interest to be compared visually
- Verified through seasonal ground truthing and regional benchmarking
How can BiodiversityView be used for specific sites?
Developers can use BiodiversityView data to inform viability reports for development sites. This significantly reduces the amount of time and money spent on preliminary ecological surveys of sites which are ultimately deemed unsuitable for development.
Landowners can use BiodiversityView data to inform feasibility plans for BNG or other nature-based markets such as Payments for Ecosystems Services (PES) and Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD).
Where an estate is distributed across several sites, BiodiversityView data can provide a holistic overview of the estate as well as information on individual sites.
How can BiodiversityView be used at a regional and landscape level?
Local Authorities
Local planning authorities can use BiodiversityView data in their preparation of local plans; in preparation of Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRSs); in the monitoring and evaluation of planning applications; and to inform planning for their own estate.
Wildlife Trusts & NGOs
Wildlife trusts can use BiodiversityView data to inform nature recovery strategies, helping them to decide where to prioritise action (creation and restoration of habitats) and where to protect habitats.
Digital Ecology have joined Map Impact to enhance our combined expertise in delivering environmental data services.
Together, we acknowledge the growing pressure on traditional ecology and are committed to leveraging technology for the benefit of our customers.
Read more about our merger with Digital Ecology.